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Proper Storage Solutions for Lubricants and Greases

Preventing Contamination: Proper Storage Solutions for Lubricants and Greases 

[Image Alt Text: Proper Storage Solutions for Lubricants and Greases] Proper storage of lubricants and grease is essential for maintaining …

Preventing Contamination: Proper Storage Solutions for Lubricants and Greases  Read More »

The Effect of Water Contamination in Lubricant Degradation

The ​Effect ​of Water Contamination in Lubricant Degradation

[Image Alt Text: The Effect of Water Contamination in Lubricant Degradation] The ingress of water or moisture in lubricants is …

The ​Effect ​of Water Contamination in Lubricant Degradation Read More »

Four Ball Scar Test

4 Ball Scar Test: What It Is and Why It Matters for Your Machinery

Regular quality checks help in identifying the best lubricants that offer superior protection against wear and tear. Among the various …

4 Ball Scar Test: What It Is and Why It Matters for Your Machinery Read More »

Four-Ball Weld Test

Lubricants Quality Check: Understanding the 4 Ball Weld Test

[Image Alt Text: Four-Ball Weld Test] Lubricants play a crucial role in the efficiency of machinery, especially in applications involving …

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Preventing Rust Formation: The Importance of Rust Protection Test

Preventing Rust Formation: The Importance of Rust Protection Test

Rust, the arch-nemesis of machinery, can wreak havoc on industrial equipment, leading to costly repairs and downtime. In this article, …

Preventing Rust Formation: The Importance of Rust Protection Test Read More »

Copper Corrosion Test Using ASTM Copper Strip

The Importance of Copper Corrosion Tests in Industrial Lubrication

One crucial method employed to assess a lubricant’s ability to safeguard copper and non-ferrous metals is the copper corrosion testing. …

The Importance of Copper Corrosion Tests in Industrial Lubrication Read More »

Anti-wear and Extreme Pressure Additives to Maximize Machinery Efficiency

Anti-wear and Extreme Pressure Additives to Maximize Machinery Efficiency

Beyond just viscosity, lubricant additives such as Anti-Wear (AW) and Extreme Pressure (EP) additives play a crucial role in enhancing …

Anti-wear and Extreme Pressure Additives to Maximize Machinery Efficiency Read More »

Navigating Synthetic Lubricants: Types and Advantages

Navigating Synthetic Lubricants: Types and Advantages

Synthetic oils have become essential components in various industries, providing unparalleled performance and protection for machinery. Fluid Solution​s​, the premier …

Navigating Synthetic Lubricants: Types and Advantages Read More »

Group I and II Base Oil Refining Process

Navigating Lubricant Formulations: Understanding Group I and Group II Base Oils

Base oils serve as the foundation for industrial lubricants, with different types influencing their performance and reliability. In this guide, …

Navigating Lubricant Formulations: Understanding Group I and Group II Base Oils Read More »

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